Approval for law that regulates the use of plastic
Through Supreme Decree No. 006-2019-MINAM, the Regulation of Law No. 30884 was approved, the Law that regulates single-use plastic and disposable containers or packaging. This rule consists of 6 chapters and 33 articles, and includes the Table of Infractions and Sanctions applicable for its control.
Among the main provisions, we must take into account the following:
- The Agency for Environmental Assessment and Control (OEFA) is the competent entity to control environmental obligations such as: not manufacturing or distributing polymer-based bags whose dimension is less than 900 cm 2, not to manufacture polymer-based straws for domestic consumption, except as provided in number 4.3 of article 4 of the Law, among others.
- Offending acts such as delivering plastic bags for free or charging below the market price, or delivering plastic bags that are not reusable and whose degradation generates contamination by microplastics or hazardous substances, will receive sanctions of up to 90 and 130 UIT, respectively.
Finally, it should be noted that some of the environmental obligations to be controlled by OEFA will be payable as of December 20 of this year.
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