
Yrigoyen - Consultant
Yrigoyen - Consultant
More than 37 years of participation in the legal world.
Specialized in Civil and Inheritance Law, Litigation, Arbitration, Commercial, Corporate, Administrative, Real Estate and Data Protection.
Specialized in Civil and Inheritance Law, Litigation, Arbitration, Commercial, Corporate, Administrative, Real Estate and Data Protection.
- Active member of the International Bar Association (IBA).
- Participation in the Doing Business projects of the World Bank Group in the areas of Enforcing Contracts and Registering Property.
- Participation in the Trust Law Pro Bono TECHO project, which won the “Innovation Award” at the 2015 TrustLaw Awards.

Varillas C. - Partner
Varillas C. - Partner
Specialist in oil & gas legislation, labor and migratory law.
- Has been part of the board of the main institutions related to the extractive activities.
- Registered Arbitrator of the Arbitration Center at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and at the Labor and Employment Ministry.
- President of the Alianza Pro Bono board since 2016 to 2023.
- Member of the Alianza Pro Bono board.

Vargas T. - Associate
Vargas T. - Associate
Experience in individual labor law, labor procedural law, and labor tax law.

Tola R. - Partner
Tola R. - Partner
Specialist in matters related to business and projects financing, mergers and acquisitions, banking and the stock market.
- Participates in important transactions for the Banking, Mining, Hydrocarbons and Agro-export business.

Gastañeta A. - Consultant
Gastañeta A. - Consultant
Extensive experience in tax, corporate and commercial and financial law. He serves as a member of the board of directors of a variety of companies.
- He has been a member of Comité Legal de la Sociedad Nacional de Minería, Petróleo y Energía.
- He serves as a member of the board of directors of a variety of companies.

Melendres Y. - Administrative staff
Melendres Y. - Administrative staff
Head of IT
- Systems engineer with more than 5 years of experience in IT solutions in the legal sector.
- Experience in information security, server administration, database, web platforms, cloud services, remote and face-to-face assistance to users.

Carlos Martín
Chávez M. - Senior Associate
Chávez M. - Senior Associate
Specialist in civil, administrative, procedural, arbitration and commercial law.
- Wide experience in the development of procedural strategies, monitoring and assessment of judicial, civil, constitutional and contentious administrative processes.

Gonzales - Administrative staff
Gonzales - Administrative staff
(Español) Jefe de Administración
- (Español) Economista con experiencia en gestión de empresas.
- (Español) Más de 7 años de experiencia en las áreas de Logística, Operaciones, Administración y Finanzas del sector Agroindustrial, telecomunicaciones, Banca y de Servicios.

Calmet M. - Partner
Calmet M. - Partner
Specializes in commercial and corporate law, competition and foreign trade.
- Has been awarded by the Peruvian Government with the Order to the Merit for Distinguished Services to the Country in the degree of Grand Cross, for his participation in the negotiation of the Peace Treaty between Peru and Ecuador.

Portaro V. O. - Partner
Portaro V. O. - Partner
More than 20 years of legal experience in the mining and natural resources practice.
- Posee importante experiencia en asesoría a clientes nacionales e internacionales en el diseño de estructuras legales para llevar adelante sus proyectos de inversión en minería e hidrocarburos.
- Legal manager at an important international mining company with direct operation supervision located in other regional countries (Chile and Honduras)
- Has advised foreign governments (Paraguay) in their intention to modify local mining legislation in order to attract investment.

Castañeda V. - Senior Associate
Castañeda V. - Senior Associate
Lawyer specialized in the sponsorship of judicial labor processes and advising companies for the reduction of their labour contingencies.
- Arbitrator of Centro de Conciliación y Arbitraje de la Superintendencia Nacional de Salud-SUSALUD since 2014.

Yen Ch. - Administrative staff
Yen Ch. - Administrative staff
Head of Administration
- Specialist in the analysis of the main management indicators and business results.
- Expertise in the Telecommunications, Industrial and Services fields.
- Experience in projections of the budget of expenses and investments, elaboration of procedures for a better execution of the administrative tasks as well as attention to the external and internal client.

Sánchez T. - Senior Associate
Sánchez T. - Senior Associate
Specialized in Labor and Procedural Law focused on itself the sponsorship of judicial processes and advising private companies and individuals.
- Served as Technical Secretary of the Institutional Technical Team for the Implementation of the New Labor Procedural Law (2017-2018).

Cáceres M. - Associate
Cáceres M. - Associate
Experience focused on societary and contractual matters.
- Legal English specialization.

Aldonate P. - Senior Associate
Aldonate P. - Senior Associate
Professional practice focused on employment litigation.
- Vast experience in managing and leading administrative labor procedures at the Superintendencia Nacional de Fiscalización Laboral (SUNAFIL).
- Legal advisory in Labor Law; specifically, in employment contracts, safety and health at the workplace, payment structures, and labour auditing process with a preventive approach.
- Experience in migratory matters.

del Castillo D. - Associate
del Castillo D. - Associate
Experience in the fields of criminal law, criminal procedure, criminal enforcement and compliance.
- He specializes in the development of legal strategies, evaluation and defense in criminal proceedings, as well as in crime prevention.
- Provides criminal advice to companies, natural persons, public and private entities in proceedings at Ministerio Público, Poder Judicial and Policía Nacional del Perú.

Durand P. - Partner
Durand P. - Partner
More than 25 years of experience in labor, immigration, corporate, and intellectual property matters.
- Current member of the Board of Directors of Ferrocarril Central Andino S.A. (first or second highest in the world) and Ferrovías Central Andina S.A.
- Member of significant national and international Intellectual Property associations.

López de Castilla M. - Administrative staff
López de Castilla M. - Administrative staff
Business Developer
- More than 8 years developing the commercial management of companies linked to technology, retail and services.
- In charge of identifying business opportunities and developing and executing commercial strategies directed to its clients and potential clients.
- Lawyer with more than 15 years of experience advising important national and foreign companies at a corporate level.

Villa García V. - Partner
Villa García V. - Partner
Specialist with over 30 years of experience in Civil, Commercial, Constitutional, and Arbitration Law.
- President of the Customer Protection Chamber of the National Institute of Defense of Free Competition and Intellectual Property - INDECOPI.
- Former Commissioner in the Insolvency Commission of the National Institute of Defense of Free Competition and Intellectual Property – INDECOPI (2014 – 2017).

Cisneros M. - Associate
Cisneros M. - Associate
(Español) Experiencia en la rama de Derecho Tributario.
- (Español) Experiencia en procesos contenciosos tributarios y en la absolución de requerimientos de la Sunat de personas naturales.
- (Español) Experiencia en el procedimiento de obtención de la exoneración del Impuesto a la Renta de asociaciones sin fines de lucro.

José Diego
Ruiz Huidobro -
Ruiz Huidobro -
Industries related to the practice area
- Solid background as an expert in tax planning, structuring financing and M&A operations, private investment rounds, and bond issuance, among others.
- Over the past few years, he has focused his advisory services on technology companies and significant companies from different industries.

Jimenez B. - Senior Associate
Jimenez B. - Senior Associate
Specialist in issues related to mining regulation, sanctioning administrative procedure and environmental control.

Valderrama C. - Senior Associate
Valderrama C. - Senior Associate
Lawyer specialized in tax consulting, contentious and non-contentious tax procedures.
- Extensive experience in tax analysis of transactions with non-domiciled entities and application of double tax treaties.

Gastañeta A. - Partner
Gastañeta A. - Partner
Wide experience in Corporate Law, Finance Law and transactions related to foreign investments.
- Former member of the First Board of Directors in the National Superintendence of Public Registries and member of the Commission that drafted the current Regulations for the Companies Registry.
- Member of the Board of Banco Cencosud – Scotiabank.

Morales M. - Partner
Morales M. - Partner
Expert in labor, administrative and pension law.
- Experience in individual and collective labor consulting and hirings
- Experience contingency analysis and labor cost overruns, administrative procedures before the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion, EsSalud, ONP, AFP and the Immigration Office.

María Soledad
Gastañeta G. - Senior Associate
Gastañeta G. - Senior Associate
More than 10 years of experience in corporate and civil matters.
- Expertise in negotiation and execution of acquisitions and corporate reorganization as mergers and spin-offs (M&A transactions).
- Pioneer advising companies in Personal Data Protection in Peru (2015).
- Advisory to clients in public and private bids and in contracts with the State, including infrastructure projects.

Ferrari Q. - Consultant
Ferrari Q. - Consultant
Specialist with more than 30 years of experience in the financial, corporate and stock market sectors.
- Expert in corporate, financial, commercial, and civil law.
- Has participated in business negotiations and mergers, acquisitions, and reorganization of different companies in the financial and banking sectors.
- Has participated in many important international negotiations.

Pérez Reyes M. - Consultant
Pérez Reyes M. - Consultant
Specialist in civil, commercial, civil procedure, contracts and arbitration law.
- Partner of Guillermo Gulman Checa Associate Lawyers (1980 – 2009).

Cuadros G. - Associate
Cuadros G. - Associate
Experience in Mining and Energetic Law, contracts with the State, Administrative Law, Civil Law and Arbitration.
- Co-Founder of the Peruvian Regulatory Law and Other Sciences (PRL+)

Vivas C. - Administrative staff
Vivas C. - Administrative staff
(Español) Jefe de Recursos Humanos
- (Español) Abogada con especialización en RR.HH.
- (Español) Experiencia en reclutamiento y selección de personal, trabajo en equipo, empleo de herramientas de neurocoaching y habilidades blandas.

Cerna L. - Associate
Cerna L. - Associate
Labor lawyer with a focus on labor procedural law.
- Experience in labor consulting on issues related to individual labor law and collective labor law.
- Experience in sponsorship in labor judicial processes.

Gastañeta A. - Consultant
Gastañeta A. - Consultant
Extensive experience in Civil Law, Civil Procedure, Arbitration Law, Administrative Law, Bankruptcy Law and Banking Law.
- He has been Ad Hoc Attorney for the defense of the Comisión de Promoción de la Inversión Privada (COPRI) and Comité Especial de la Empresa Minera del Centro del Perú S.A. (CENTROMIN PERÚ S.A.).

Gastañeta G. - Consultant
Gastañeta G. - Consultant
Extensive experience providing legal services in the corporate, real estate and banking fields.
- He was representative in Peru of The Royal Bank of Canada (1970-1980).
- He worked with the New York law firm, Alexander & Green.

Aranda C. - Senior Associate
Aranda C. - Senior Associate
Lawyer with more than 10 years of experience as legal advisor to companies in the financial, mining, commercial, industrial, and service sectors.
- Arbitrator at the Lima Chamber of Commerce since 2020.
- Expert in all kinds of arbitration proceedings before Arbitration Courts or arbitration institutions such as the Lima Chamber of Commerce.

Mancilla E. - Associate
Mancilla E. - Associate
Specialist in issues related to judicial procedures, commercial and public procurement arbitrations.

Cárdenas Ch. - Partner
Cárdenas Ch. - Partner
Lawyer specialized in Compliance, Tax Law and Merge & Adquisitions
- Specialist developing and auditing Crime Prevention Systems, SPLAFT and Compliance.
- Legal advice on compliance, crime prevention and corporate integrity issues, advising clients from different sectors in managing legal risks and preventing infractions and crimes according to good corporate governance practices.
- Trainer of the Year 2023 by Alliance for Integrity.

Schmiel B. - Senior Associate
Schmiel B. - Senior Associate
Wide experience in criminal and procedural law and compliance.
- Professional practice focused in advising companies and public and private entities before the National Police, the Public Ministry and Judicial Court.
- Expert in drafting legal strategies; follow up of criminal processes.
- Specialist in the implementation and monitoring the compliance programs for risk management and crime prevention.