Through Ministerial Resolution No. 263-2019-TR published in the Official Gazette El Peruano.

Within the framework of the National Policy to fight corruption and Law No. 29816, Law to Strengthen SUNAT.

The Tax Court has recently specified that the rectifying sworn statements submitted by a taxpayer in the course of an inspection procedure cannot be subject to Income Tax determination.

Through Supreme Decree No. 006-2019-MINAM, the Regulation of Law No. 30884 was approved, the Law that regulates single-use plastic and disposable containers or packaging.

En la fecha, mediante Decreto de Urgencia Nº127-2020 se establece el otorgamiento de subsidios a empleadores del sector privado afectados a consecuencia de la propagación del Covid-19 y se establecen otras medidas que se resumen a continuación: I. Subsidio a empleadores en la contratación de nuevo personal Alcance del subsidio Constituye un […]